1st: Double check your Safe Play status! If you are not in compliance with Safe Play, you cannot be added to your team as a captain!
2nd: Please have your players register
3rd: Please email me your team roster to wtxjtt@ gmail.com. Please include your team name. I will then move your player to your team.
If you are not part of an existing team, THAT'S OK!
Each season we form new teams that have great success! Each new team will need a Team Captain to participate at Sectionals but Laura will help walk the captains through the process.
1st: Register for JTT
2nd: Individual Player looking for a team: If you are registering as a player who is looking for a team, you are in luck! There are teams who are constantly looking for new players or we will create a team based on new players!
3rd: Registering with a new team: If you are registering with a group of friends and have a parent volunteer to captain your team at sectionals, please have the players register and the parent email the teams name and players. The parent will need to be Safe Play certified!